Although I love to write Paranormal Romance and Fantasy, I enjoy reading most genres. These are some of my favourite Romance authors and the genre in which they write.
Paranormal Romance
Efthalia https://www.efthaliaauthor.com/
Athena Daniels https://athenadaniels.com/
Ally Parker https://www.allyparkerbooks.com/
Kresley Cole https://kresleycole.com/
Christine Feehan https://www.christinefeehan.com/
Heather Graham https://www.theoriginalheathergraham.com/
Keri Arthur https://www.keriarthur.com/
Eve Silver https://www.evesilver.net/
Laura M Baird https://www.laurambairdauthor.com/
Historical Romance
Maddison Michaels https://maddisonmichaels.com/
Allison Butler https://www.allison-butler.com/
Anna Campbell http://annacampbell.com/
Alison Stuart https://www.alisonstuart.com/
Annie West https://www.annie-west.com/
Lee Piper https://leepiperauthor.com/
Annie Seaton https://www.annieseaton.net/
Tess Woods https://www.tesswoods.com.au/
Lena West https://www.lenawestauthor.com/
Susanne Bellamy https://www.susannebellamy.com/
Aislinn Kearns https://aislinnkearns.com/
Jane Austen You know where to find her.
Of course I'd be remiss not to mention a few of my favourite non romance writers,
Dean Koontz, Stephen King and Oscar Wilde.
Evernight Publishing has too many wonderful authors to mention so check out their site to find a genre that suits your needs.